Make the most of what you have ...
Happiness is just a state of mind.
To illustrate with a simple example,
Imagine your life is a plate of rice, you have one curry to eat this plate of rice.
Your rice bowl will have fish, lentils, mallows, any vegetables you like, and any other nutritious cereal or nuts. If you have all these things when you eat rice now, you can eat rice with all of them.
But rice does not have to have all these things. Can you eat rice without one or two of these things?
In some people's lives, everything they need is complete, like this bowl of rice. And for some as a baby gets older, he or she will outgrow this.
Now substitute some of the essentials of your life for the curries in these rice bowls according to your priority,
It's like,
# For someone who thinks that the most important thing to live is a job, dhal is a job.
# For someone who thinks that the quality of life comes from mallow, mallow means education.
#And so, according to their needs or priorities, fish is a type of grain that enhances real estate, marriage and children.
You can replace these one at a time.
So while some people enjoy rice dishes with all of these, some people only enjoy rice dishes with one or two things. Sometimes the rice is just a little bit of lentils or a piece of fish or a vegetable.
(Suppose the other curries are not cooked yet)
So now what should happen, first
You need to understand that as long as you cook the other curries, you've got to eat your rice with what you have. If you say no to rice while cooking other things, you will starve.
Even if you eat with what you have, your stomach will not be full if you think about what the other person is eating.
Happiness is like this.
Stinging with what they have? Do you want to enjoy it after everything is done? It is up to them to decide whether to define their happiness in relation to others.
In fact, it can be said this way.
Remind yourself of a small event in your life. Remember the days when you thought no matter how many curries were in the rice bowl, they didn't taste good?
And some days, have you ever experienced times when you get to taste a lot even with one curry?
So remember, never compare the happiness you experience in life to the amount of curry in rice. Compare the joy of life to this taste. There are a lot of curries but it doesn't matter if it doesn't taste good. If there is one curry but it tastes good enough.
It doesn't matter if you have everything you need in life, if you are not happy, the most important thing is if you are happy with one or two of the things you want.
So first make the most of what you have now. Then it tastes a lot better.
Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure. Be happy with what you have learned and try to learn as much as you can.
Make the most of what you have like this. At the same time, do not worry about what you have not yet received and try to get it without stress.
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